The science behind Ferrocalm

Ferrocalm can use iron to restore balance, even during periods of active inflammation, for a happy gut and a happier life.

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A gut feeling

Often referred to as our ‘second brain’, the gut goes far beyond just processing the food we eat.

Gut and Mind connection

Our gut microbiome is constantly communicating with our brain via the vagus nerve, and research suggests that those signals shooting back and forth between the two can have a big influence on our mood and wellbeing. 

gut brain connection

We’ve all experienced butterflies or queasiness when faced with a challenge, or felt sick to the stomach when something didn’t quite go to plan. And according to scientists, the brain often categorises memories of such situations with the effect they had on our gut. 


So, when we say a happy gut can lead to a happy life, we really mean it. 

The nitty gritty 

We all need iron - it’s a major component of our blood, helping to carry oxygen around the body. But when too much of it ends up in the gut, it can cause an unwelcome imbalance in your microbiome. 


Iron acts as a critical nutrient for the growth and survival of most bacteria. But during periods of stress, an immune response or flare ups of IBS or IBD, the neurotransmitter adrenaline can cause the release of excess iron from proteins into the gut. 


Unfriendly bacteria can use excess iron to multiply, while most friendly bacteria - including the ones found in conventional probiotics - can’t. 


Too much iron in the wrong place means that friendly bacteria get outnumbered, leading to a very unhappy gut. 

unhappy gut

How Ferrocalm works 

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At Ferrocalm, our team of expert gut scientists have created a food supplement using friendly live bacteria that can flourish in the presence of excess iron. 


The traditional live bacteria product is swallowed and broken down by acid in the stomach or by bile later in the small intestine. But if you’ve got active inflammation, healthy bacteria won’t stand a chance.


Ferrocalm’s coated capsule has a delayed release, surviving the journey through the stomach and small intestine to break down in the large intestine, where it’s needed most. And during active inflammation, healthy bacteria can thrive off excess iron here to restore balance.

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The People Behind Ferrocalm

Ferrocalm has been developed by a team of experts with decades of experience in gut health. 

Find your Ferrocalm

Start your 8-week trial of Ferrocalm to start calming your gut - and your life - today. 

Ferrocalm Prototype